Despina de Werd – chairman V.II

On March 30, we would organize a board interest evening for those interested. Because of the corona virus, we are forced to design this evening in a different way. In order to be able to inform everyone about a board year at STC, we are going to hold this information meeting on Skype! Please contact us before registering ( In addition, each board member writes his own blog (interview form). If you are interested in a certain position, you can contact us for 1 to 1 contact.

In this blog Despina de Werd, chairman STC, will explain her function in detail!

“Who are you and what is your board position?”

I am Despina de Werd, fourth-year student of Communication and Information Sciences and chairman of Serve the City Tilburg. I am the first point of contact for board members, the development coordinator and the Advisory Board. In addition, I lead the board meetings, schedule them and set the agenda for this. I try to ensure that everything runs smoothly by maintaining the general overview and, ultimately, also addressing the board members if tasks are not properly performed. I also support committees where necessary and organize activities that do not fall within one of our four committees. All in all a very wide and varied range of tasks, but also very nice!

“Why did you start a board year?”

I really enjoy my student days and even so much that I don’t mind if it takes a little longer. Now I am someone who wants to fill it up with “useful” things. Sitting at home and doing nothing is not really my thing. I have also been active in various associations where I have done several committees. I always secretly looked up to the boards, because how cool is it to run your own “company” for a year?! As my bachelor was approaching, I had a few more courses related to a transition package and I am always open to learning new things, so I wanted to take up the challenge and do a board year.

“Why did you choose Serve the City and not another association / organization?”

It really appealed to me for several reasons. First of all, it is a part-time board year (24 hours a week), so that you do not immediately end up with a year of study delay. For example, in my first semester I followed three courses of a transition package and now I write my bachelor thesis in the second semester. I also like that you come into contact with almost all study and student associations in Tilburg. You get to know a lot of new people and also a lot of associations that you may never have heard of. Last but not least, you get a lot of appreciation from the target groups. With small things you can make people their day, so I always go home with a big smile.

“Why did you choose your current position?”

I have to say that I found this the most difficult choice at the time, because actually all functions appealed to me in their own way. This is precisely why I applied for a chair. I am someone who likes everything and wants to do and learn many different things. Since you, as chairman, retain the overview and assist where necessary, I was able to get something from all functions. I am also someone who likes to work in a structured way and also likes to keep an overview. Finally, this also comes to a negative point of mine: “say no”. Since I like everything, I’m not good at saying no. However, this is important as chairman, since you are the point of contact for (difficult) decisions. That is why I wanted to learn this.

“If you had to name 1 skill you learned last year, what would it be?”

Pff difficult to name only one. I think I have mainly grown in crisis management. Organizing activities is no problem, but what if it does not go according to the script? Especially with our special target groups and many collaborations, things often do not go according to plan and it is quick to switch, but together with the help of my board members everything always ends up well. Especially stay calm and row with the straps you have. The most important thing is that the target group goes home with a smile! To mention just one more big point during our board year of crisis management: COVID-19. I am happy to see how we have handled it and that so many students are willing to help people in times of need.













“What activity did you remember most and why?”

There is not one specific activity that really stuck with me the most. Each activity has something different and especially because of the different target groups for which you organize it. At first I did not just come into contact with, for example, refugees, the homeless or the chronically ill. You will become very aware that more people need help than you think and that these people in particular are also very close. I always find it a moment of realization when that foreign man you find annoying on the street turns out to be a refugee who has no family here and just wants to chat for social contact and because he wants to learn the language. Or a child who comes running towards you to show that she gets her own room for the first time at the age of 12, while I was always privileged with the most beautiful gifts and a beautiful room of her own. But also realize that life can be over when you bake pancakes at Villa Pardoes where there are chronically ill children or when you visit elderly people with dementia. I can go on like this for a while, but I especially remember the contact with target groups and the fact that what is small for me makes the difference for them.









“What message would you like to give to your successor?”

Try to enjoy a lot, because before you know it is over!

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