Weekly walks with elderly

Written by Anne-Lin van Gelder


We as Serve the City Tilburg organize all kind of activities. Our target groups are quite different, as you can see on our Commitee page. We organize activities for the younger as well as for the older citizens. In this post we will tell you more about an on-going activity for the elderly in Tilburg.

Since Thursday the 10th of October the Serve the Grey committee organizes weekly walks with elderly from care home ”De Kievietshorst”. This committee is led by Jelle van Dijk. He makes sure there are enough students present at ”De Kievitshorst” to walk with the elderly.

The day begins with gathering all the interested elderly at the entrance. It’s up to the students to take them from their rooms to the entrance.

The idea of the walk is that they will walk a different route every week. Afterwards the walk the elderly and the students come together at the cafetaria to drink some coffee and tea.

On Thursday the 7th of November student association ”Flow” signed up (see the picture above). They were really enthusiastic and enjoyed the walk.

Yesterday (15th of November) we welcomed student association ”Olof” for the third time! If you also want to sign up, you can do that through this link: forms.gle/dTBQxmQGpKetDq7J6 . You can find the Thursday that suits you the best.

We hope to see you soon!


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