Serve the Moms x Asset

Written by Anne-Lin van Gelder

Friday the 29th of November the Serve the Moms activity in collaboration with Asset took place. Serve the Moms is a existing concept from the past years at which Serve the City Tilburg went to ”Sterk Huis” in Goirle. ”Sterk Huis” is there for everybody who needs help. They offer help for example victims of domestic violence and child abuse.

The Serve the Homeless committee has taken the responsibility to organise this activity. Together with two chairmans of study association Asset we organized the activity. On the day itself there were 10 other day volunteers from Asset present. Hereby we want to thank them for their presence and the nice collaboration!


The day started at 14:00 o’clock with a beautyworkshop. There were three tables with different products. The women could do their nails and put some eye make-up and foundation on their faces. The volunteers were happy to help with applying the make-up. With help of a special color analyse the volunteers could pick the right products for each person.

At the end the women were very enthusiastic and they were made even prettier!











Children’s activity

During the beautyworkshop we organized a cildren’s activity in ”De Tovertuin”. ”De Tovertuin” is a special playroom for the children in ”Sterk Huis”. This day the kids could decorate some cakes, draw something and play some fun games with the volunteers.











Next up there was a bingo led by Benthe Frie.

There where enough presents available for everybody. We brought for example christmas decoration and a lot of presents for the kids. Most of the people went home with multiple gifts!


At the end of the day ”Sterk Huis” made sure there were enough fries for everyone.

We want to thank ”Sterk Huis” for the possibility to organize this beautiful activity. We hope to see you next year!

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